Kaung Si Phyo profile picture Kaung Si Phyo


Welcome to my portfolio, showcasing a selection of projects and side projects I've worked on.

SST Cron Job showcase

SST Cron Job

For our IMCS toolkit project, my friend and I developed a proof of concept for scheduled email sending using SST as Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and AWS EventBridge for scheduling.

TypeScript Next.js Tailwind CSS tRPC Prisma AWS SST
ZenBudget showcase


Open Source

Collaborated with my friends to create a financial management app with AI advisor with Android and Material UI

Android MUI Figma Firebase
whiteboard app showcase

whiteboard app

Open Source

Researched and learned Tldraw and Excalidraw libraries; developed a collaborative whiteboard app using Socket.IO for real-time interactions.

TypeScript Next.js Tailwind CSS tRPC Prisma
Dynamic Form Builder showcase

Dynamic Form Builder

Open Source

Utilized Next.js T3 stack to create a Google Form builder clone, developed with TypeScript for type safety and dnd-kit to enhance user experience.

TypeScript Next.js Tailwind CSS tRPC Prisma
Techzero showcase


Inspired by Challenger , with my 3 friends, we create an e-commerce tech platform developed for our school project.

JavaScript React Tailwind CSS MySQL Express.js Node.js Redis
Data Analysis for Music Trends showcase

Data Analysis for Music Trends

Open Source

Data Analysis Project for school assignment mainly focused on music trends, genre preferences, and cultural influrences in evolving music landscape.

Pocket Mart showcase

Pocket Mart

Open Source

Utilised React-Native and supabase as database to create an e-commerce app clone for school project.

JavaScript React Native Supabase